Episode 126

Published on:

25th Sep 2024

East Ruston Old Vicarage September Special

Alan Gray and Thordis look back at East Ruston Old Vicarage's starring role on BBC show Gardeners' World, plus container planting, greenhouse overhauling and Hedychiums.


Manihot grahamii

Ptilotus exaltatus

Begonia fuchsioides

Tradescantia 'Maiden's Blush'

Salvia involucrata 'Bethellii'

Ageratum petiolatum

Phlox drummondii grandiflora 'Sugar Stars'

Coleus argentatus syn Plectranthus argentatu

Coleus argentatus 'Hill House'

Helichrysum petiolare


Ricinus communis 'Carmencita'

Dahlia 'Jomanda'

Hedychium deceptum

Canna brasiliensis

Dahlia 'Ken's Rarity'

Dahlia 'Magenta Star'

Dahlia coccinea var. palmeri

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About the Podcast

Talking Dirty
The Podcast for Plant Lovers
Get Gardening's podcast for plant lovers is jam-packed with choice plants.

Hosts Thordis and Alan Gray (of East Ruston Old Vicarage gardens) catch up with their horticultural (or should that be naughty-cultural!) friends to talk about their favourite plants of the moment. It's a bit like a stroll around a fantastic nursery or inspiring garden, but with someone telling you what all the plants are!

There are lots of growing and propagation tips included, and everyone shares their latest FLOMO (FLoral/plant-based fOMO). Check out the show notes or our website (getgardeningnow.co.uk) for a full plant list to accompany each episode.