Episode 76

Published on:

16th Feb 2022

Awesome Aroids & Tree Fern Inspiration with Jack Ogg of York Gate Garden

Perhaps you're already all about Aroids, but - if not - get ready to be converted with Jack Ogg, Senior Gardener at York Gate Garden. From Arum to Arisaema, Sauromatum to Dracunculus we take a tour through some of Jack's favourites, plus lots of other stunning plants he's growing at York Gate and in his own garden. There is so much inspiration for, not only new plants to try, but new ways of growing them too.


Arisaema griffithii

Arisaema intermedium

Ophrys tenthredinifera


Miersia chilensis

Bowiea volubilis

Arum maculatum

Arum concinnatum

Arum italicum subsp. italicum 'Marmoratum'

Arum italicum 'Pictum'

Arum maculatum

Arum concinnatum

Arum pictum

Arum pictum ssp. sagittifolium

Gethyum atropurpureum

Amorphophallus titanum

Impatiens sodenii

Impatiens pseudoviola

Impatiens kilimanjari subsp. kilimanjari

Impatiens flanaganae

Impatiens arguta 'Blue Dream'

Tillandsia bergeri

Streptocarpus dunnii

Remusatia pumila

Sauromatum venosum

Sauromatum venosum 'Lake Tana'

Dracunculus vulgaris

Dracunculus canariensis

Arum dioscoridis var. syriacum

Sauromatum venosum 'Indian Giant'

Rafflesia arnoldii

Fuchsia procumbens

Symplocarpus foetidus

Sauromatum horsfieldii

Sauromatum horsfieldii ‘Lancelot’

Helicodiceros muscivorus

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About the Podcast

Talking Dirty
The Podcast for Plant Lovers
Get Gardening's podcast for plant lovers is jam-packed with choice plants.

Hosts Thordis and Alan Gray (of East Ruston Old Vicarage gardens) catch up with their horticultural (or should that be naughty-cultural!) friends to talk about their favourite plants of the moment. It's a bit like a stroll around a fantastic nursery or inspiring garden, but with someone telling you what all the plants are!

There are lots of growing and propagation tips included, and everyone shares their latest FLOMO (FLoral/plant-based fOMO). Check out the show notes or our website (getgardeningnow.co.uk) for a full plant list to accompany each episode.